Lake Country Youth String Orchestra


Lake Country Youth String Orchestra is committed to providing a quality youth orchestra experience for students in the Lake Country area. 

General Information


per student



6:30-7:30PM on scheduled Mondays - schedule is provided prior to the start of each semester 


Open to all string players in Suzuki books 2-4 and ages 8-19


Auditions are held via video

Audition Details

Auditions for LCYSO will be held via a video. Students should prepare a complete, polished piece for their audition. A student's audition piece does not need to be memorized or accompanied.  Audition videos must follow these guidelines:

  • Video must be one take - no splicing and editing allowed
  • Videos should show a full-length view of the performer
  • Videos should have a steady view of the performer
  • Videos should be uploaded to YouTube or Vimeo and a link sent to

Contact us

Lake Country Strings

1125 James Dr, Hartland, WI 53029

(262) 422-0002

© 2020 Lake Country Strings
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